MSD Policies


100 Inter-Organizational Relations

The School Board recognizes that the schools of the District have the primary responsibility for the formal education of the youth of the District. We recognize that many organizations, while not primarily concerned with education, play a definite role in the education of the youth of the District.  Therefore, it shall be the desire of the Board to establish positive working relationships with other public and private organizations involved in the education process.  The District shall cooperate with all governmental agencies or organizations in the community which assist in furthering the educational process.

The District shall interact with other educational institutions as described below:

  1. With post-secondary school institutions:

    1. Within its resources and according to abilities and efforts of each individual student, the District shall prepare students for successful experiences in post-secondary institutions.

    2. To the extent appropriate and applicable, the District shall utilize the resources of post-secondary institutions for the development of its own staff.

    3. The District shall cooperate with post-high school institutions in selected areas of research and experimentation which have the potential to increase the effectiveness of teacher preparation or staff development and/or which directly improve the local instructional program.

    4. The District shall assist in the preparation of teachers and other school workers with institutions of higher learning.

  2. With other districts:

    1. The District shall work with other districts in selected programs which can be better achieved cooperatively than by single districts acting alone.

  3. With professional education organizations:

    1. The District shall cooperate with professional educational organizations recognized by the District as important forces for the improvement of education.

  4. With educational service units and regional organizations:

    1. The District shall cooperate with institutions such as educational service units and regional organizations whose aims are to improve the education of children, when their programs are in keeping with or contribute to the goals of the District.

  5. With organizations whose primary role is not education:

    1. The District shall cooperate with other entities whose primary purpose is not education, but who wish to benefit the students of the District, when their programs are compatible with the goals of the District.


Curriculum and Instruction: 01/24/02

First Reading Coordination: 03/13/02

Second Reading and. Approval BOSC: 04/08/02