MSD Policies


107 Funds from Local Tax Sources

[DEA: Funds from Local Tax Sources]

It is the responsibility of the School Board to present sufficiently the needs and goals of the schools to the public and to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen so that local support of education can indeed provide programs in an appropriate manner.

The major share of all financial support for local school districts is raised by taxing property within the District. Most of the financial support of public education, therefore, is subject to bottom-line approval by a vote by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.

In addition, the School Board will:

1.      Accept all available state funds to which the district is entitled by law or through regulations of the State Board of Education, providing there is a specific need for them and that matching funds required are available.

2.      Accept all federal funds which are available providing there is a specific need for them and that matching funds required are available.

3.      Accept all gifts and other funds that will further the policies and purposes of the District provided such gifts are not prohibited by law or contrary to the policies of the Board of School Committee.

Statutory References:

RSA 198:20-b

RSA 198:40-a


Policy History:

Revised From: 04/10/2000

First Reading: Policy Committee: 11/21/22

Second Reading and BOSC Adoption: 11/28/22