MSD Policies


104 Curriculum Development

Curriculum development is the foundation of instruction. It is an all-encompassing task which involves the entire community. Students, parents, teachers and administrators work cooperatively to develop a curriculum that strives to provide a wide variety of approaches to instruction in an increasingly complex world.

The Superintendent and/or his/her designee will guide curriculum development for the school district. Curriculum committees will be established for curriculum development, curriculum revision and the selection of new instructional materials.

It is expected that all teachers and administrators will make contributions to curriculum development. The Board will encourage and support the professional staff in its efforts to investigate and develop new curricular ideas.

The Superintendent and/or his/her designee will submit recommendations developed by the curriculum committees to the Curriculum and Instruction Committee. These recommendations will be submitted to the Board for its consideration and adoption.


Curriculum and Instruction: 01/22/01 and 02/20/01

First Reading Coordination: 06/13/01

Second Reading and Adoption BOSC: 07/09/01