MSD Policies


106 Physical Education

The Board of School Committee shall ensure that a physical education program is developed and offered at all schools within the District. Such approved program shall provide systematic instruction and activities which are developmentally appropriate and which enable students to:

  • Develop an awareness of the benefits of physical fitness;

  • Recognize and respect individual differences in ability;

  • Develop skills in leadership, responsibility and teamwork;  Learn about lifetime activities; and

  • Enjoy and understand activities as a participant and/or spectator.

No student shall be excused from regular physical education except on the written notice of a duly licensed physician in which case an alternative program shall be provided. The teacher, upon the request of the parents, may grant temporary excuses on a day-to-day basis. 

Any student with a disability may be excused from physical education based upon the recommendation of that student's educational planning team and/or his/her personal physician. In all such cases, an appropriate alternative program will be provided for the student. 


Ed. 306:35 (Physical Education Program)

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973


Curriculum and Instruction: 01/22/01, 04/16/01

First Reading Coordination: 05/09/01

Second Reading and Adoption BOSC: 05/14/01