MSD Policies


122 Field Trips and Approved Excursion

Field trips and excursions shall be of an educational nature and shall correlate with school curriculum. 

The Board of School Committee also recognizes that educational value can be derived from music festivals, exchange programs, foreign language living experiences, and other distinctive events.  The Board of School Committee looks favorably upon travel that is closely related to existing school programs.  Current or previous successful experience in the field of study related to a proposed trip is considered a minimum requirement of eligibility.  Plans for any such activity should be discussed with Board of School Committee, superintendent, and principal at least one month prior to the departure date (when possible).  Parents shall be urged to participate in planning discussions.  Any interruption in the school calendar shall have the approval of the Board of School Committee. 

Before proposing any field trip or excursion, the teacher and/or administrator organizing the trip shall verify the physical accessibility of sites to be visited and an accommodations plan shall be devised for trip participants with disabilities.  Any questions regarding accessibility shall be directed to the assistant superintendent for student services.

All field trips shall be approved by the principal who, in turn, shall inform her/his assistant superintendent.  The Board of School Committee shall approve any out of state trips that require an overnight stay.

Unless otherwise stipulated, permission slips, describing specific details of the trip, must be sent home and returned/signed by a parent or the legal guardian no later than twenty one (21) calendar days prior to the field trip or excursion.  Failure to return the slip within twenty one (21) calendar days may be grounds for exclusion from the field trip experience.  The principal of each school must inform the assistant superintendent of any plans for a field trip prior to the time the permission slips are sent home. 

The final list of all those who are planning to participate shall, under normal circumstances, be approved by the principal at least three weeks in advance of the departure date.  Students shall be responsible and considered worthy representatives of their school.

Approved chaperones shall accompany all trips.  One chaperone for every ten students is required.  It is strongly suggested that a school administrator chaperone each trip.

An approved transportation company, designated by the superintendent, shall be used on all trips.


All field trips shall be of an education nature and shall correlate with the school curriculum.  Educational field trips and excursions shall comply with Board of School Committee Policy Instruction 122 Field Trips and Approved Excursions and be planned and conducted in accordance with the following guidelines.

  1. The teacher(s) or individuals planning the trip shall review the educational value of the field trip with the principal and receive the principal’s approval prior to making arrangements for the field trip.  (Field Trip Approval Form)

  2. Prior to making arrangements for any field trip or excursion, the teacher and/or administrator organizing the trip shall verify the physical accessibility of sites to be visited and an accommodation plan shall be devised for trip participants with disabilities.  Any questions regarding accessibility shall be directed to the assistant superintendent.

  3. Recommendations relative to student exclusion from field trips shall be discussed with the principal and parents of the student.

  4. A parental permission slip describing specific details of the trip must be sent home and returned signed by a parent or guardian.  This includes the destination of the trip, transportation and eating arrangements, the date and time of departure, estimated time of return and a detailed itinerary of the schedule/events of the day(s).  A signed permission slip is required for each student participating in the trip, including walking or biking excursions.  A District field trip permission form is to be utilized for all trips.  Forms are available in the school office.  (Field Trip Permission Form)  Under no circumstance are there to be any changes to the approved itinerary of the trip.

  5. Permission slips must be approved by the principal or his/her designee prior to sending them home with students.

  6. Participating students shall pay a pro-rated share of costs for transportation, admission fees, nursing fee, chaperone fees, etc.  However, funds will be available through the principal for students needing assistance with such expenses.

  7. Approved chaperones shall accompany all trips.  One chaperone for every ten students is required.  It is strongly recommended that a school administrator chaperone each trip.  Teachers are responsible for informing accompanying adults of their duties and responsibilities.  All volunteer forms shall be submitted to the building level administrator.

  8. Teachers shall review acceptable standards of conduct with the students in advance of the trip.  The teacher has primary responsibility for the conduct of the students.

  9. The teacher(s) planning the trip shall be responsible for arranging an appropriate educational experience and supervision for students who do not participate in the field trip.

  10. Student safety shall be a primary consideration, with first aid kits required on all field trips.  The school nurse shall be notified in advance of all trips to provide the necessary medications.

  11. Teachers organizing/sponsoring/participating in the field trip shall ensure that they bring a copy of the school emergency card on each child participating in the trip with them on the day(s) of the trip.

  12. All students with medical conditions that required injections – either on a regular basis or in case of emergency (not including epinephrine auto-injectors-see #13) – should be on a 504 plan that calls for a qualified health provider’s accompaniment on the field trip or excursion.  All students who require or potentially require any specialized medical procedures and are on IEPs will not need a 504 plan.  Specialized medical procedures include the following (not all inclusive):  tube feedings, catheterizations, rectal diastat medication, solu-cortef injections, glucagon injections, insulin injections, midazolam spray (must be drawn up in a syringe), or blood sugar testing.  For the purpose of this policy the term “qualified health provider” is defined as a nurse, doctor, nurse practitioner, or other individual who is lawfully qualified and authorized to administer a specific medication or treatment.  

  13. Parents shall be given the right of first refusal when it comes to accompanying their child who may need a specialized medical procedure on a field trip.  A qualified health provider is required only if the child’s parent/guardian is not able to attend. Any student who has a physician’s order (without self administration provisions) for an epinephrine auto-injector (i.e. EpiPen, AUVI-Q or other) shall require either a parent/guardian present on the field trip or a staff member certified in CPR/First Aid, including epinephrine auto-injector training. Students with physician orders for the self-administration of an epinephrine auto-injector will not require the accompaniment of a parent/guardian or certified staff member.

Note: All CPR/First Aid training must meet appropriate medical standards (H.R. 2094) and therefore must be provided by a recognized medical/healthcare organization to insure compliance with the medical organization's treatment of anaphylaxis.

  1. The School Nurse shall be notified at least two weeks in advance of when a field trip requiring a qualified health provider is scheduled to occur.  The school nurse will inform the building level administration of the need to secure a qualified health provider

  2. In the rare event that a qualified health provider cannot be secured, the trip may be canceled.  However, if timely notice is provided, every effort shall be made to secure a qualified health provider in all instances. If a student has a known condition that requires a specific medication and the student/parent/guardian has not complied with the request to provide the school nurse with the appropriate medication and the physician’s order, the principal shall speak directly with the parent/guardian regarding this need and inform them that noncompliance with the request shall result in their child not being able to participate in the field trip or excursion.

  3. A communication and supervision system shall be developed that is appropriate to the age and developmental level of the students participating in the trip (e.g. buddy system or partners) to insure constant awareness of each student’s whereabouts, needs, and participation.

  4. Should an emergency occur, the teacher shall take appropriate action and notify the principal by telephone as soon as possible.

  5. School buses or chartered buses shall be used for transportation.

  6. Requests for school bus transportation are to be made by the teacher(s) or individual(s) organizing the trip.

  7. Students shall not be permitted to leave the field trip group during the trip unless they are released to their own parents or to parents of other students provided that a written note of approval has been received by the principal from the parents prior to the trip.

  8.  If students return to the school from a trip after school hours, the teachers who sponsored the field trip are responsible to remain at school until all of the students are picked up.  If a problem arises, the teacher and an administrator will make arrangements of the student’s safe return home.

  9. As applicable the cafeteria staff must be notified of field trips one week prior to the field trip to ensure a proper lunch count.

  10. Teachers shall notify their administrator of the need for substitutes at least two weeks in advance.  The ratio shall be thirty students to one substitute.  If thirty students are left behind only one substitute is needed.

  11. Teachers must contact appropriate school staff to have their trip placed on the school calendar.

  12.  Teachers shall confirm their transportation request with the bus company at least 48 hours in advance to avoid problems on the day of the trip.

  13. Money collected for field trips must be turned into the office with a deposit slip upon receipt of the monies.  All monies must be deposited into a specific account earmarked for the field trip.

  14. All chaperones must stay onsite during the entire field trip.  If they have specific dietetic needs, they will need to bring their own lunch on the trip.

  15. All teachers shall be provided with copies of the Board of School Committee policies and regulations regarding field trips.

  16. Under no circumstances shall any field trips take place without adhering to Board of School Committee Policy Instruction 122 Field Trips and Approved Excursions and corresponding regulations.

  17. The volunteer form must be completed by the participant five (5) days in advance of the date of the field trip.

See required forms on the following pages.


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

NHSB code IJOA, C 

Revised from:  2/95, 7/01, 6/04, 11/10; 6/24/13; 6/22/15; 3/14/16

First Reading Coordination: 6/12/17

Second Reading and Adoption BOSC: 6/26/17

Field Trip Checklist             

The following information must be provided to the designated administrator at least two weeks prior to any field trip. Please check off as you complete the following:

  • Field Trip Approval Form submitted to the office

  • A copy Field Trip Permission Form sent home

  • Notify administration of need for a nurse to attend field trip

  • Notify administration of number of substitutes required

  • Bag Lunch Request Form

  • The number of buses required and the quoted price from the bus company

The following information must be provided to the designated administrator at least two (2) days prior to the field trip.  Please check off as you complete the following: 

  • A list of all students attending the field trip distributed to all teachers affected

  • A list of all students not attending the field trip and their assignment

  • A copy of the schedule for the substitute teacher

  • A folder with assignments for students not attending the field trip. (This should be pertinent and contain up to date assignments and the sub should have plenty of work to assign students not participating in the field trip.)

  • A list of duties which teachers attending the trip have and the names of the individuals who will replace them. (It is the responsibility of the teacher to find coverage.)

  •  The names of chaperones scheduled for the field trip. (Chaperones and teachers must stay with assigned students for the entire day.)

The following tasks must be completed:

  • Confirmation of buses 48 hours in advance

  • Notification to the cafeteria regarding the number of students that will be absent from lunch on the day of the trip

  • Notification to the school nurse regarding the students who will be away from school, request necessary medications in advance (48 hours notice)

  • Pick up first aid kit

  •  Copies of emergency forms on each child to be made and brought on trip

  • Request box lunches for students who have free and reduced lunch (48 hours notice)

Manchester School District

Field Trip Approval Form

To be completed and submitted to the building principal for approval prior to making arrangements. 

Date submitted: ________________ Subject area:_____________________________

Submitted by: _________________________________________________________

Proposed trip: _________________________________________________________


Correlation to Curriculum:

Please provide a brief explanation of how this field trip correlates with the school curriculum. _____________________________________________________________________



Please attach the complete trip itinerary to this form.

Date of trip: __________________           Alternate/rain date: _____________________

Departure time: _______________           Return to school at: _____________________

Number of students: _____ ______           Number of chaperones: __________________

Administrator attending:_________________________________________________

Number of buses required: ______________ (Middle and high schools: 55 students/bus)

Is a wheelchair accessible bus required? ___________

Is a nurse required for this field trip? ____________

(If yes please submit a copy of this request to the designated administrator.)          

Number of Substitutes Required: _____________ (One substitute per 30 students) 

Funding and Cost Breakdown:

Buses: $_________   Admission: $__________   Nurse: $_________   Other: $____________

PTA Funds: $__________         Other Funds: $___________  Total cost to student:$______________

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Please do not write in this space.

Principal’s Action:

Field Trip is: _______Approved        _______Not Approved

Comments or conditions_______________________________________________


Principal’s signature: _______________________________   Date: _______________________

Date submitted to Superintendent for Board of School Committee Agenda:_______________


Field Trip Permission Form

Date: ______________________

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Your child has the opportunity to attend a school sponsored field trip to: _____________________________________________________________________________

Sponsored by: ____________________________________________________________________

Please see the itinerary on the back or attached to this form.

Transportation will be provided by: ____________________________________________

The cost per child to attend is: ________________________________________________

Lunch provisions for the trip: _________________________________________________

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Please complete the following section and return this form to your child’s school no later than: ___________________________

Thank you.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________

Parent(s) Name(s): _____________________________________________________________

In case of emergency, I can be reached at: ___________________________________________ 

Home Phone: _______________ Work Phone: _______________ Cell Phone: ______________ 

________  I give my permission for my child to attend this field trip.

________  In case of a medical emergency and I cannot be reached, I give permission for my child to receive necessary medical treatment.

________  I am interested in chaperoning this field trip. Please call me at: ___________________ 

________  I do not give my permission for my child to attend this field trip.

____________________________________                              ________________

Parent/Guardian Signature                                                                 Date


Field Trip Volunteer Form

I agree to conform to the rules and regulations of the Manchester School District.

I agree to respect the confidential nature of student information, as well as my personal contacts with staff members.

I agree to hold the Manchester School District and its agents and employees harmless from any and all claims, specifically including claims for negligence and other torts, on account of any  cause arising in the course of my activities as a volunteer.

I certify that I have never been convicted of murder, child pornography, aggravated felonious sexual assault, felonious sexual kidnapping, any crime described in RSA 632-A:10 or any felony.

I understand that I may be required to undergo a background investigation and a criminal history records check and I hereby authorize the same.

Signature ___________________________________                     Date _____________________