MSD Policies


128.2 Eligibility for Certificate of Completion or Modified Curriculum Diploma

A student who is unable to fulfill the requirements of a standard diploma (See Instruction 128) may be eligible for a Certificate of Completion or a Modified Curriculum Diploma as determined by his/her IEP team.

Certificate of Completion

A Certificate of Completion is available to those students who are unable to fulfill the requirements for a standard diploma even with reasonable accommodations, modifications and support services.  A Certificate of Completion shall be issued when the course performance expectations have been fundamentally and substantially modified as determined by the IEP team, and the student has:

  1. completed a minimum of four years of high school; and

  2. met the requirements of his/her Individualized Education Plan (IEP) as determined by the IEP team;

  3. or completed a program which was reviewed and approved by an academic review council which shall include the principal, the assistant principal, the student’s primary special education teacher, and a teacher.

Modified Curriculum Diploma

A Modified Curriculum Diploma shall be issued to students who have:

  1. completed a minimum of four years of high school; and

  2. met the requirements of his/her Individualized Plan as determined by the IEP team; and

  3. acquired 20 credits which include the following:


4.0 credits

Social Studies

2.5 credits


3.0 credits


2.0 credits


6.0 credits

Physical Education

1.0 credits


0.5 credits

Arts Education

0.5 credits

Computer Education

0.5 credits (may be met at middle school)


20.0 credits

  1. or completed a program which was reviewed and approved by an academic review council which shall include the principal, the assistant principal, the student’s primary special education teacher and a teacher.

Regulatory Cites:

34 CFR 300 (requires students with educational disabilities have the opportunity to be involved in and progress in the general curriculum)

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

ED 306.23(p) (High School Curriculum)

BOSC Policies:

  • Instruction 131.2 Alternative Credit Options

  • Instruction 131.3 Extended Learning Opportunities

  • Instruction 131.4 Online/Virtual Education

Revised 7/02, 11/09

First Reading Coordination: 10/10/12

Second Reading and Adoption BOSC: 11/13/12