MSD Policies


131.2 Extended Learning Opportunities

It is the policy of the Board to allow extended learning opportunities as a means of meeting the diverse instructional needs of students with different talents, interest, and development.  The Board intent is to improve student achievement in situations where regular classrooms are not practical or effective.

All such opportunities must be aligned with the school's educational goals and objectives.

Such opportunities may provide credit under provisions of Policy Instruction 131.2, Alternative Credit Options, or supplement regular academic courses.  Credits can be granted for extended learning activities, including, but not limited to, independent study, private instruction, team sports, performing groups, internships, community service, and work study.  Where credit is not granted, such experiences may be used to fulfill prerequisite requirements for advanced courses.  The granting of credit shall be based on a student's demonstration of course competencies, as approved by certified personnel.

The Board directs the Superintendent to establish regulations and procedures for implementing this policy that will include:

  • Application, approval, appeals process.

  • Administrative supervision and oversight of individual student's programs by certified personnel.

  • Requirements that each extended learning program be approved prior to its implementation.

  • Requirements that the experience will provide an opportunity for students to acquire knowledge and skill development comparable to knowledge and skill development in courses offered at the high school.

  • Student participation in selecting, organizing, and carrying out extended   learning activities.

  • Reasonable limits on the number of approved extended learning opportunities that can be administered each school year - school-wide and per student.

  • Assurance of equal access for all students.

  • Compliance with state and federal laws pertaining to minors.

  • Approved learning opportunities are consistent with all policies of this Board.


Unless otherwise recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board, under ordinary circumstances, students or their parents/guardians shall be responsible for all related expenses including tuition and textbooks.

Policy Cross Reference:  Instruction 131.1 and 131.3.


NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 306.04(a)(13), Policy Development

NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 306.26(f),  Kindergarten - Grade 8 School Curriculum

NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 306.27(b)(4),  High School Curriculum, Credits, Graduation Requirements, and Extra-curricular Program

First Reading Coordination: 3/11/09

Second Reading and Adoption by BOSC: 4/8/09