MSD Policies


130 Medical Examinations of School Personnel

Medical Examination of School Personnel

All school personnel shall be required to have a pre-employment medical examination by a licensed physician.  Any person who objects to all or part of any medical examination because of religious beliefs shall be exempt from said examination, except that no such exemption shall be granted if state or local authorities determine that such exemption would constitute a hazard to the health of persons exposed to the unexamined individual.

Additional Examinations

The Superintendent may request a medical examination for any employee if at any time s/he has reason to believe that the employee’s physical or mental health may be inimical to the welfare of pupils or other employees.  The cost of such examination will be borne by the District. 


RSA 200:20

RSA 200:36 (Medical Examinations of School Personnel)

RSA 200:37 (Bus Drivers)


First Reading Coordination:  6/12/00

Second Reading and Approval BOSC:  7/6/00