MSD Policies


105 Bomb Threats

In the event of a call or notice that a bomb has been placed in a school or any other District building, the following procedures shall be required:

  1. Immediate evacuation of the school or buildings.

  2. All communication from the location of the suspected bomb device shall be done by land-line telephone only.

  3. If a thorough search has been conducted and no viable threat has been identified, an assessment for building re-entry shall be made by the building administrator based on best practices, consultation with the police and fire department staff, appropriate officials and experts, experience, reason, and judgment..

  4. Investigation of the incident should be made by appropriate agencies and may be assisted by the State Police, if requested.


Any decision concerning the dismissal of students and subsequent action, after the above procedures have been followed, is the prerogative of the building administrator after consultation with the Superintendent and/or his/her designee. 

Persons calling in “Bomb Threats” and/or false fire alarms will be subject to conviction by the courts and suspension from school pending School Board action (expulsion).

The Superintendent shall develop regulations/procedures for the implementation of this policy.


The following procedures shall be followed upon receipt of a call or notice of a bomb threat:

  1. Immediately after a call is received or a notice detected, the principal shall be notified.  The person receiving the call or detecting a notice shall make a detailed record of the call or notice.

  2. The principal shall record the time of the call or time notice detected.

  3. The principal or designee shall immediately notify the Superintendent and appropriate first responders via land-line telephone.

  4. The principal shall activate the building emergency response team.

  5. An investigation of the threat shall be made.

  6. After investigation, the decision regarding appropriate action shall be made by the principal, after consultation with the Superintendent and/or his/her designee.

  7. In each case, the building should be evacuated as determined by the above-mentioned authorities.  Evacuation plans shall be followed.  Students shall get their coats and other belongings when circumstances permit.

  8. Parents shall be notified via internet and the emergency notification system.


Revised from 1/14/02, 6/14/10, 11/13/12

First Reading Coordination: 2/12/13

Second Reading and Adoption BOSC: 3/11/13