MSD Policies


114 Student Involvement in Decision-Making

The role of the school is to create a stimulating learning climate which develops active student involvement in their education. 

The Board believes that students should:

  1. Feel free to express, without fear, their own opinions, recognizing that every privilege and right has a corresponding responsibility.

  2. Be involved in the planning of assembly programs and school-sponsored forums of interest.

  3. Be encouraged to participate in student government organizations that provide students with a voice in school affairs: and

  4. Be encouraged to participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities to broaden their educational experiences.

The Board may choose to add a high school student in the District as a non-voting member of the Board.

Statutory References:

RSA 189:1-c (Student Member of School Board)

RSA 194:23 (f) (High School Student as School Board Member)


First Reading Coordination: 11/14/01

Second Reading and Approval BOSC: 11/10/01