MSD Policies


141 Student Physical Examinations

Each child shall have a complete physical examination within a one-year period before first entering school and within six months of entering the sixth and ninth grades. 

However, no medical examination shall be required of a child whose parent or guardian objects, in writing, on the grounds that such medical examination is contrary to his/her religious tenets and teachings. 

Parents of students transferring into the district must provide proof of meeting the physical examination requirement within thirty (30) days of the date the child enters school. 

Failure to comply with this policy may result in the child being excluded from school. 

Students must pass a physical each year to be eligible for athletics for the school year.  Free physical examinations are scheduled annually by the School District.  Any student who misses the scheduled physical must present evidence of a physical from his or her own physician. 

Any injured student excused from athletic practice for three or more days while under a physician’s care shall provide written authorization from a physician to the coach/athletic trainer before being allowed to resume practice. 

No child shall be excused from regular physical education except upon the written notice of a licensed physician.  The teacher and/or school nurse, upon the request of the parent/guardian, may grant a temporary excuse on a day-to-day basis.  Exceptions to this policy shall include those students who, through an individualized education plan or an accommodation plan, are excused from physical education.



NHRSA 200:32, 38

ED 311.03 

Revised from 11/02

First Reading Coordination: 6/14/06

Second Reading and Adoption by BOSC:  7/10/06