MSD Policies


165 High School Late Arrival and/or Early Release Policy


Late arrival/early release is a privilege available for high school students who meet the requirements below. Eligibility will be revisited every semester. This privilege only applies to those opportunities where a student has a free period during the first or last period of the day, and does not allow students to leave campus and return in the middle of the day. Not all scheduling requests can be accommodated. Students must have prior approval from the school’s Principal. The Principal may set reasonable restrictions or guidelines on the application and approval process and retains the authority to grant or deny any application at their discretion. Application forms will be available in guidance or the main office. This form must be approved and completed each semester.

In order to qualify for Late Arrival or Early Release, a Student must:

  1. Meet all requirements, have earned 15 credits, and be on track to graduate or acquire an exception from the Principal;

  2. Be a good citizen. Inappropriate behavior in school will result in the privilege being withdrawn for the remainder of the school year;

  3. Provide their own transportation;

  4. Sign in/out daily;

  5. Receive prior approval of your parent/guardian and then the Principal (if under 18);

  6. Attend scheduled advisory; and

  7. Not loiter anywhere on school property.

Failure to abide by these conditions will result in the privilege being revoked at the discretion of the principal.

All applications must be signed by the student and parent/guardian, and the principal must give final approval. Approved applications will be maintained on file at the school. This information is necessary so that the schools have accurate records in case of emergency.


Revised from:  08/22/2022


First Reading Teaching and Learning:  3/26/2024


Second Reading and Approval BOSC: 4/8/2024